My Deposit is Not Showing in my Account

“Cryptocurrencies or Bitcoin purchased with Credit/Debit Card  transactions usually take between “1-3 hours” (or when the transaction gets “3-6 confirmations” on the blockchain).

If the transaction goes over the above timeframe or you have noticed that there is something wrong with the information you have provided, please check the following:

– You inputted the right “Bitcoin (BTC) address”. 

– The funds you tried to deposit with were “Bitcoin (BTC)” and not Bitcoin Cash (BCH).
– Checked the website. (Ensure that when you click on the transaction, it is a Bitcoin (BTC) Transaction and not Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

Check how many confirmations the transaction has had.

Please Note: If you are going to deposit using one of our 3rd party providers which we offer our traders, you would be re-directed to their platform to use your card to “buy Bitcoin” and “Bitcoin” would be credited into your Hey Forex account.
For Step-by-Step Guides on how to purchase Bitcoin using the platforms that we offer: 

  1. Click here
  2. Click here. (Optional method) 

Important Note: When using the optional method, so the funds can be credited, you would need to go to your “withdrawal request” on your account (on the 3rd party provider site) and “authorize” the payment.

“Make sure that you have only used the Bitcoin address once. We will provide you with a different Bitcoin Address for every transaction”

There will be a few payment statuses you will notice on the deposit page on your account when you have gone through the depositing funds process.


We will be waiting for the funds – You may need to click “Pay” which would be located next to the “deposit request” and enter your “Bitcoin (BTC) Address”


We would have declined your deposit request. You will find a reason for us declining your deposit on the deposit request.


The funds are on the Blockchain network and need to have “3-6 confirmations” which usually take “1-3 hours”.


Your funds have been approved.


It would have been cancelled for two reasons:

You have cancelled the deposit.


The deposit has timed out.

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